The Pioneer Saloon in the ghost town of Goodsprings, NV. Opened in 1913, it is one of NV’s oldest saloons still in operation & is still heated by the original 1860’s potbelly stove. This awesome Wild West watering hole has a very storied history both among the living & the dead, most notably it was where Clark Gable practically drank himself blind, while awaiting news about his wife – Carole Lombard’s plane crash nearby. Tragically she died in the crash & is said to haunt the saloon looking for Clark. There have also been reports of an apparition of old prospector who appears sitting at the end of the bar & even more interesting is the ghost of Paul Coski.. one of the patrons in the early 1900’s, a large man, heavy drinker, gambler & liked to pick fights who one day ended up on the wrong side of a conflict and was shot dead, the bullet holes & the slug are still in the wall. He has been seen in his old attire bleeding from his side staring down customers. Such a fascinating history, great ambiance, live music & the food was on point 👻🍻

Pioneer Saloon
Goodsprings, NV