Hotel Cecil
Los Angeles, CA
Normally I would go into a more detailed history of a haunt but I think the Cecil requires no such explanation. Located in the heart of Skid Row in Los Angeles, it has been the site of hundreds of deaths in its nearly century old existence. It was sometimes known as the "Suicide" & also was the home of serial killers Richard Ramirez & Jack Unterweger as they went on their killing sprees. The most infamous occurrence was when the guest Elisa Lam went missing only to have mysteriously been found dead in the water tower on the roof, which still inspires much intrigue & curiosity. The hotel had closed down not long after & has been abandoned since, which in my opinion made it seem ever creepier when I finally got to see it, as if the building itself were a ghost. Although I believe they do plan to reopen it & has been under construction the last few years. The energies of the area are very heavy, between the rampant crime & poverty of the Skid Row area & the sordid history of the hotel, this is one haunt that will always stand out to me.
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