In 1876 a young German immigrant named Alois Bube capitalizing on the trending popularity of German lagers purchased a small brewery in the town of Mount Joy, PA to begin what became his life's work, later expanding upon it many times over & building a beautiful Victorian Hotel. Bube died suddenly in 1908 at the age of 57 in the hotel, his family took over the business changing very little & to this day it is one of the only lager era breweries in America that is completely intact. There have been numerous reports of paranormal activity there, some believed to be Alois himself, his granddaughter & a slew of other "guests". I must say this establishment is an incredible work of art & way-point to do some serious time traveling. There is also an incredible restaurant in the catacombs 40 feet below as well as the main bar above with excellent cuisine & drink selection. Magnificent place 👻🍻
Bube's Brewery
Mount Joy, Pennsylvania
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